Changing Tide In Japan's Imperial Family
Feminism is finally wending its way to my adopted archipelago. Recently, the Japanese Prime Minister has forwarded a bill to make it official and legal for women to ascend the Imperial Throne. There has actually been a lot of debate about this recently, and what tipped the tide was the fact that there have been several female empress in the past, and so, it becomes legit. This is another insight of Japan, really, the value of precedence. You can do anything foreign or modern, if there is a link to the past of someone, somehow in history done something similar. The more things change in Nihon, the more they stay the same.
On a less heavy note, spring is in the air! I can tell, because last week, and especially today, it had that "warm-cold" feeling you get only when the winter is about to be over, and the smell of things beginning to wake up wafted through the breeze. Also, Saturday is the new year's festival, and my Japanese school is having a party, at an Indian restaurant. Sometimes you just do not want to ask questions.