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Japan As I See It

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Quaterly Report

Fellow investors.....

HA! Well, companies do it, so I figured since it has been three months since I arrived here in Osaka, I should make a three month review, you know, for posterity's sake.

So, while I can dispense with the letter to everyone about how well the company is doing, how much profit, who we squeezed out due to downsizing (I'm sorry, I mean, rightsizing--- whatever the hell that means), you know, the usual corporate blather, I must make a point by point of all the goals I reached by moving the plant to Japan's western shores:
*gotten out of the sink hole that is Baltimore
*seen Japan
*seen deer in Japan
*passed probation at work, found that the job is alright
*been to Tokyo
*found the Magic Store in Osaka, made friends there
*worked hard and have learned a LOT of Japanese
*gotten the approval of my Mom and Dad for being here, as per a
conversation last night about how they really think that, for
the first time in a long time, I am focused on improving myself
*made some really good quality friends here (AB and RM, not to
mention D-Boy)
*have really started to think about the direction of my life, and
it involves linguistics and/or ESL
*have come deeply to understand how much I still need to work on
*Realized how wonderful you guys are.

And, like every good company, here are some projections for the next quartile:

*most likely will go again to Tokyo
*arranged to go to Beijing in the Spring, Singapore in February
*Rock on the Japanese test I have Friday,
*Go to Kyoto afterwards, see some museums
*visit Baltimore/Springfield around May 18, 19 for a few weeks
*keep on learning Japanese
*collect more wood-block prints
*sell stuff on E-Bay---oh, yeah, that's right! E-Bay -o- rama!
*meet more Japanese people

Feasible goals, I think.

To sum, the fourth quarter of 2005 was a success, and we hope to find continued opportunities of reward and profit in the first quartile, 2006.


At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...glad to hear that things are going so well =) All the best for 2006!

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Juan said...

this makes so much sense to me, especially after I got your gift FINALLY today!!!!! I sent you an email about that too.
So I guess today is your exam day in Japan, although it's still Thursday night and I'm still trying to finish up one paper. Yes, that's why I've been so quiet on my blog these days.

One of my goals would be talking to you in Japanese some day :)))

Good luck with your exam!

At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great quarter. Congratulations! The only thing I'm looking forward to in the next quarterly report is a bullet that says "*went to see some puroresu. Great Muta rules!"


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